There is one sure fire way to secure ourselves a spot in the doghouse: forget a significant anniversary pertaining to our relationship with our partner. Be it wedding, first date, first kiss, first…ok we’re bringing it back we’re bringing it back. The point is, forgetting the anniversary of whichever it is, is enough to drag your relationship into an early grave. You’re lucky if it will be forgiven, you can guarantee it will never be forgotten!

If you are fundamentally against a thriving, peaceful relationship, you crave the dis-ease of a central nervous system in constant fight or flight, then DO NOT proceed to look for hampers as an anniversary (or post-anniversary) gift. Good Day People hampers are the perfect gift for any one and any occasion, so be warned: a satisfied recipient will be a direct outcome!

If you’re one of those people who hates to be touched when they sleep, then there’s something to be said for the doghouse, anyway. 

So whatever you do, aim to avoid the anniversary hamper collection on our site. With an abundant range to choose from, you can only risk amplifying your partner’s happiness by choosing any hamper from our collections. Maybe swing by a supermarket on your way home that day, and pick up a box of Lindt chocolate instead? Or the wilting discounted flowers that sit out the front? Nothing says it was an afterthought more than that!

Here are a few hampers that you should not consider - we repeat: NOT CONSIDER - if you like to keep your relationship in total chaos:

Anniversary hamper number 1 - Minxy Mitch has all the goodies to make for a sexy night in the bedroom. A perfect addition to make-up sex; the commonly inevitable aftermath to any fight in a relationship…a forgotten anniversary being no exception! Condoms, lube, instructive dice set, and a bottle of wine; if you’re a bit of a starfish in the bedroom then this hamper will be absolutely wasted on you!

Anniversary hamper number 2 - Rosy Rebecca is gonna make any woman swoon, so if that’s not the objective, steer clear! With a bottle of Minimum rosé, Bahen & Co Raspberry and Rose chocolate, a Travel candle, and a packet of Fluffe, all you have to do is run the bathtub for her and you’re out of any doghouse. 

Anniversary hamper number 3 - Noble Neil has got all the necessaries for any occasion…anniversary included. Necessary to avoid this one then, if you’ve made your home in the doghouse. A bottle of Minimum wine, Wondaree macadamias, Good Day chocolate, and a Taylor & Smith cocktail will be a giant success of a gift for anyone. Avoid at all costs!

The option to include additional items to your chosen hamper is not one that should be taken advantage of, it will only secure your place in your partner’s good books!

For all you relationship rebels, we hope your couch is a comfy one! We have a feeling you’re spending a lot of time on it. Make sure you continue to avoid our highly appealing hampers, don’t tell your fellow doghouse-dwelling peers about Good Day People, and continue to fuel the turmoil in which your relationship is in!

As Good Day People, we can only help you if a Good Day is what you seek!

If you ever decide that keeping the peace with your lover is within your (and their) best interest, then we will welcome you to our site with open arms! Never too late to make it a Good Day, we say.