In his infinite wisdom, old mate Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, ‘Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continually.’ As Good Day People, you will never hear us resisting or underplaying the profoundly beautiful impact of gratitude in our lives! After all, There is no Good Day without gratitude!

Being major believers in the expression of gratitude, it would be completely remiss of us to not give you the chance to express your gratitude with something more than words. ‘Cause words are cool, but they’re not everyone’s love language, you know? 

Isn’t it so funny and completely coincidental that we have a whole collection of thank you hampers available on our website, then? 

We’re not saying we’re prepared to capitalise from the generous application of your gratitude, but we’re not NOT saying that either. 

Whether you’ve had to dump the kids on your parents for a week, rubber arm your friends into helping you move house, borrow their shoulder when the Good Days are a little few and far between, we’ve got a thank you hamper for that! 

We don’t assume to insult your intelligence by detailing a few of them here, knowing full well that you could just navigate to the whole collection on site easily enough, but hey, for the sake of doing our job properly, we will anyway. 

Don’t ever accuse us of not being thorough! 

Alright, here we go:

Striking Sam is a new addition to the Good Day People fam. As good as a succinct and straightforward ‘thank you for [insert reason]’, he contains a bottle of Minimum wine (red or white of your choosing), and a block of Bahen & Co Strawberry and Pistachio chocolate.

Refined Ruby is the thank you you want to give to someone who needs a little TLC, and is maybe not very good at carving out the time for themselves. She’s packed with two Black Blaze pillar candles, Bahen & Co House Blend chocolate, Addition Studio Bath Soak, a bottle of wine (red, white, Pet Nat or non-alcoholic of your choosing), and Addition Studio Body Scrub. No better gift of gratitude than some goodies to facilitate someone’s self-care, we say!

Everyone needs at least one friend in their life who’s a tradie. If you’ve managed to get yourself one of these, and owe them a huge thank you for helping with home maintenance, borrowing their truck for transporting things, or their expertise for building and renovation advice, we reckon Manly Mark is a great way to show your gratitude! His contents include a coupl’a tinnies from various breweries, Tiger Buck beef jerky, Nuts-About garlic & rosemary cashews, and Bomb Ass chilli oil.

Lucky Lydia is one of our thank you hampers that is gentler on your pockets but still gets the gratitude across! In much more compact packaging — a box, as opposed to our typical packaging tubes — this hamper has only the good stuff: a Foxtail negroni, Bahen & Co Macadamia Milk chocolate, and a packet of Fluffe fairy floss.

The thought doesn’t always count, guys! Words are great, wine is better. Following the sentiments of ‘it’s better to give than to receive,’ you’ll soon find that the words ‘thank you’ will never come out of your mouth, unaccompanied by a Good Day People hamper to drive home your gratitude. So when you need to reinforce the evidence of your gratitude with consumables, you can trust us to come to the table with the goods. 

What can we say? We’re happy to help!