Soften the Blow When You Let Them Go

Redundancy is rarely anyone’s idea of a good time; whether you are on the delivering or receiving end of it. As inflation and cost of living put more pressure on people and businesses alike, many of the latter have been forced to take stock and reduce expenditure margins with more ruthlessness than ever! Redundancies are a huge and unfortunate aspect of this process. While we cannot work magic and afford the business the cash flow required to retain their employees, we can help soften the blow of letting them go with an extensive range of hampers to choose from that say “thank you”, as you tell them they are no longer an integral part of the business. 

Yeah….happy not to be in the room for that conversation. 

A thank you gift box is a great way to communicate to beloved (or not-so beloved…makes no difference to us!) employees that their professional contributions to the business have not gone unnoticed or unappreciated. So when you begin with the awkward dialogue that ultimately leads to the recipient’s job loss, you can cushion the impact with a pay-out and a hamper to thank them for their tenure. Ok, so it’s unlikely it will turn a bad day into a Good Day, but surely it ensures a better day? Consider us, in this instance, the Better Day People (not ™). 

Most of our hampers on site will work perfectly as an adequate ‘thank you’, but if you’d like to get straight down to brass tacks, head straight to our Thank You Gift Box collection on site! We’ll run you through a few of them here, so that you can reserve your energy for the difficult part: the let down speech!

Sociable Sasha is so crammed full of stuff that you’ll have the employee thanking YOU for the rendudency! Starting with alcohol (red or white wine, rosé, non-alcoholic wine, or Chamagne), a Marble Board, two Cheese Knives, Ferm Living Ripple Carafe Set, Black Blaze candle, Leif Body Wash & Lotion, and Bahen & Co House Blend chocolate. 

Happy Natalie will deliver in name and contents. A bottle of Champagne is a great start, accompanied by Ferm Living Ripple Champagne Saucers, Black Blaze candle, Bramble & Hedge Chai Wild Fig & Raspberry Nougat, and Bahen & Co Macadamia Milk Chocolate. Anyone who catches wind that this is the departure gift will be begging to be let go!

Never trust a person who says they don’t like snacks! Snacky Jackie is an appealing thank you gift box for literally anyone! She’s packed with Maya Sunny Honey: Macadamia Crunch, a Marble Board, two Cheese Knives, Ferm Living Ripple Carafe Set, Wondaree Macadamias, Zeal Lavosh Bites, and Bahen & Co Chocolate. 

We’re calling it: Perky Pam is so packed with the goods that it actually has the power to turn redundancy day into a Good Day! Contents include: red, white or non-alcoholic wine, rosé or Champagne, Leif Body Wash & Lotion, two Black Blaze Pillar Candles, two Cheese Knives, and Bahen & Co House Blend Chocolate. 

Striking Sam is the ‘thank you’ that gets straight to the point. What better way to express gratitude than with alcohol and chocolate? This is one of our more modestly-priced hampers, which might be more suitable for your tight budget! A bottle of Minimum wine (red or white), Polka non-alcoholic sparkling wine, Prosecco or Champagne, and Bahen & Co Chocolate, is all the ‘thank you’ anyone needs!

Make a not-fun day in the workplace less not-fun (ie. a not bad day!) with a hamper that says ‘thank you’ to valued employees who you can no longer afford to keep in the business.