Ryan Reynolds once famously tweeted, “People in LA are deathly afraid of gluten. I swear to God, you could rob a liquor store in this city with a bagel.”. Well, unlike the entire population of the city of angels, we here at Good Day People consider ourselves gluten – and gluten’s step sister – glucose’s biggest fans. And we’re out and proud. Give us the bagel within a bagel, layered with Nutella and cream cheese and Misty’s Salted Caramel spread…all at once. And because we know we are not the only ones, (whether you are closetted or not), we have created an extensive range of hampers that will satisfy the sickliest of sweet tooths. Obviously, where subsequent dentist bills are concerned, you’re on your own. But proud to be a part of the dental deterioration process. 

Want just a sniff of the glutenous action? (There’s no calories in smells, after all.) Let us peel back the curtain a little and give you a sneak peak of everything to satisfy the addiction - as long as that addiction is sugar. Seriously, Willy Wonka would be jealous.

Sassy Sophie 

She sees chocolate in her peripherals, makes a beeline and invites it to stay a while. Very accommodating, really. We’ll show you what we mean: with a block of Bahen & Co Guatemala chocolate, Good Day chocolate, a packet of Mixed Bag hot chocolate and Wondaree roasted honey macadamia nuts, we feel this is precisely the recipe for a sugar hangover and minimal regret. Worth it, though. 

Easygoing Eleanor

Sugar and spice and everything nice, that’s our Eleanor. She contains every kind of sugar you can think of; from Fluffe fairy floss, Bramble & Hedge Sticky Date Caramel nougat, Drunken Sailor Peach, Vanilla and Brandy jam, to Maya Sunny honey in Macadamia Crunch, Good Day chocolate and Bahen & Co Guatemala chocolate…we’ve got the cravings covered for the foreseeable future. 

Coco Candice

Rivalling the notoriety of Coco Chanel, Coco Candice is one of our classier sweet hampers. Containing Grandvewe vanilla liqueur, Breramilano mini chocolate chip panettone and Wondaree chocolate macadamia nuts, she knows how to show you a respectably good time. And although we’ve never seen her go on record advising women that, “if you’re sad, add more lipstick and attack”, we may have heard some barely decipherable musings from Coco Candice that ‘if you’re sad, there’s a chocolate for that’. Hard to say, really.

Laughing Lisa

She offers you the kind of sticky situation you want to get yourself into. With an assortment that includes a bottle of Poor Toms Imbroglio Amaro, a Babo prosecco, Good Day chocolate and a Makato jigger, she’ll have you laughing all the way to diabetes. 

There is nothing that a good dose of glucose can’t fix. And since we are in the business of turning a bad day into a Good Day for you, it is only fitting that we provide you with an array of delicious resources to make this happen. Check out our entire selection of sweet hampers here.